Hypnotherapy can be helpful for a range of issues. At Adam Palmer Hypnotherapy in Melbourne we specialise in helping our clients with smoking & vaping cessation, weight loss, reduction of stress, anxiety, and addictions, removal of fears and phobias and increased motivation. Contact us today to begin your journey.
We understand that quitting a life-long habit can be hard. This is why we’re so proud to offer proven results with our Stop Smoking hypnotherapy methods. Hypnotherapy has been shown to be one of the easiest, safest and most effective methods in quitting smoking permanently. And is equally effective in helping to quit vaping. In only two sessions with Adam Palmer you can quit smoking or vaping for good.
We recognise that so many negative elements to smoking can be removed from your life as you’re able to quit easily and effectively. These include the obvious health benefits, an improved mental state and more financial freedom. We encourage you to think of all the aspects of your life that will be improved by quitting smoking. Give us a call today to get started.
Weight loss can be a lifelong struggle. We can help you to move through the unhelpful belief systems and layers of excuses that have only added to your weight loss struggle. Yo-yo dieting, the rollercoaster of emotions as weight goes up and down, unhealthy food habits and feeling guilty when you don’t exercise when you ‘should’. None of these are conducive to positive physical or mental health.
Adam Palmer Hypnotherapy can help you move past these to find a healthier, happier you.
We focus on healthy eating in our practice. Once you’re enjoying healthy eating and appropriate exercise for your age, body size, shape and capability, the weight loss happens naturally. By eating smaller portions of delicious, healthy, natural and unprocessed food, you can feel satisfied and enjoy your life so much more. Healthy mind and healthy body, hand in hand.
When you are calm, happy and confident it’s easy to remain in control of your choices.
You can now record your first session on your smart phone's voice recorder and listen to later at home. This helps you to feel supported as you continue feeding your mind with positive affirmations tailored to you.
Adam encourages you to record your first session so you can listen to it whenever you need. (It's like having as many free sessions as you want!) This helps you to feel supported and fully understanding the positive choice you have made in your life by taking this first step. We believe in the importance of self-motivation and these recorded sessions as well as some positive mantras (see below) are helpful for this part of the process.
Quitting Smoking
I can and I will Stop Smoking. (Or Vaping!)
My life will be so much better as a Non Smoker.
I can and I will enjoy eating healthy foods and drinking more water.
I can and I will become and remain a non smoker.
I can and I will enjoy healthy and appropriate exercise.
I can and I will look after myself and take responsibility for my own health.
I can and I will Stop Smoking. I can and I will Stop Smoking. I can and I will Stop Smoking!
Weight Loss
I can and I will refrain from unwanted and unhealthy snacking.
I can and I will enjoy eating healthy foods and drinking more water.
I can and I will chew my food slowly and enjoy each mouthful of healthy, natural food.
I can and I will enjoy healthy and appropriate exercise.
I can and I will look after myself and take responsibility for my own health.
I can and I will recognise those full feelings in my stomach then stop eating when I’ve had all I need.
Breathe and Believe... You can and you will!
Easy and Effective
Other issues which can be very powerfully treated with Hypnotherapy besides smoking and weight loss include:
Feel stronger as your willpower and determination grow! Contact us online today or call 0409 533 774.
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